Thursday, July 12, 2007

"Summer Hosing?"

It looks like we may have gotten tricked, intentionally or not. The Ethan Haas deal seems to possibly be about a new game coming out, and not the new Abrams movie. A Wikipedia article maintains that Paramount may own the rights to both, speculating that they still might be related but that only means that Paramount owns the two of them. A connection between them is not necessarily a given, IMHO. So confusion still surrounds both at this point, unless we find out that Abrams' reported denial is fact.

But another seemingly legit website has surfaced though, in addition to the 1/18/08 site, and is a very strange add for a very strange drink:

A logo for Slusho was found on a T-shirt worn by a someone in the trailer. We don't know for sure yet whether this movie thing and Slusho are a real ARG to play, or just some crazy online advertisements for the movie. Bad Robot productions always seems to push the envelope of style and substance in its creations, so who knows. Stayed tuned to Dennis' Cloverfield clues blog below to keep up to date on the daily changes and speculation. He's got great screencaps from the trailer up now as well.

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