Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Lies, Truths, And The New Jack - 5.11"

Well this episode was very involved and I still haven't digested it sufficiently to discuss it easily. We went down so many different roads here, light and heavy, and they all require a lot of thought. Aside from the usual comic relief that TPTB give us weekly, a lot of major disturbances happened, and not just in time and space.

For one thing (back to the poor kid getting shot) what the hay, what's up with Ben's gunshot wound being on the opposite side this week that it was on last week?! I couldn't help yelling at the TV as soon as I saw it, it was so obvious! Vozzek69 at DarkUFO has a theory (purposeful mindgames from the island), but I'm not sure I can go with it. There's got to be something up here though, because surely the costume department would notice that they had to have two separate bloody jackets, with two different holes in them in different places. You'd think that someone in the crew would have noticed it. To be continued, I guess. It was touching to see Roger come to his senses as a Dad finally, but older Ben makes it sound as if he didn't keep that up too well, before he gives Roger his complementary can of poison gas with his can of beer.

It seems that TPTB wanted to depressurize our brains a bit instead of making us wait for Daniel to come back onto the scene, so we get the Time Warp discussion with Hurley and Miles. And we deserved it. :-) Well we did! It's not too much different from what most have guessed, but I wanted to hear it from TPTB's mouths only, because no matter what things that we can guess, it all boils down to how they are going to make it work in their story. So I'm very thankful that they relieved some of the speculation that we'll have to do about that...for a while.

You know that this whole trip has just sprung Jack's last good nerve, and he's got nowhere left to go but around to the other side, and that would be the side of Faith one would hope. And um, nobody liked the old wino you, Jack.

But before he gets his act together completely, there's a new Jackface in town, ya'll best get used to it! And he's not going to let anyone push him into being a hero this time around. This episode is the first one where Jack actually refers to the Island as an entity in itself! Locke would be proud. It was a baby step, but it was a step nonetheless.

And on top of finding out that Jack can probably be partly accused of turning Bennie into Zombie Ben, it was also his fault that Kate lost track of Aaron! Don't think that she didn't hold that against him too!

This was such a frightening scene and it lasted a long time, the way that time seems to stop when it happens in real life. Such a tense scene, and all of E.L.'s work this episode was very good. I didn't much care for the scenes with Cassidy (what kind of morals did she expect from a Conman, and one that she conned people with herself?). But at least Kate had someone to be friends with finally, and thinking back to her giggly phone conversation that Jack walked in on that scene gets more meaning. He's probably thinking, "Why does she have a friend, I don't have one?!", heheh.

Just because we were together, it doesn't mean that we're together Freckles. Ouch. James really has matured, good. I hope that he and Juliet do stay together, but mostly because I find fickle characters that keep changing their minds very boring.

We didn't need shaving!!! Er, saving. Obviously, because we see again that Jack's hair hasn't grown back since Juliet shaved it off on the beach. Hmmm. But more importantly, what about that saving stuff, what do they need to be saved from if everything turned out hunkydorey for them in DI-ville? There must be something looming down the road a piece.

Welcome back chump! I can't help but think that most of Ben's reaction to seeing Locke was another one of those quick scenes before the show's over to make you think that one thing is happening, and then it turns out to be something else altogether in the next episode. So I'm not going to think too much about this one yet. And the next pic is for Wayne...



maven said...

Hey, Capcom, great recap as usual. You hit all the right points, especially the case of the moving entry wound! LOL They better have a logical explanation for this and not gloss it over.

Wayne Allen Sallee said...

Ha! Love it, you are great with Photoshop or PitstopPro, whatever you use. I'll comment more tomorrow, I've been writing for five hours and would just make too many typos now!

Capcom said...

Thanks friends and thanks for reading! I was thinking about the Roger thing more and wondering if his "redemption" will stick. Although Ben does make that crack in the van about how he had to live with Roger all his life, Roger doesn't really say anything mean, in fact he's trying to have a beer-moment with Ben. So even though Roger could have changed for the better (most likely incrementally, very few can do a complete 180 overnight), Ben was still mad at him. Maybe that's because of his "rebirth". Lost innocence, lost trust, faith in genuine love, etc. ???

I wish that I had something like Photoshop Wayne, all I have is my humble Printkey.exe and MSPaint to work with. :-(

Ellen said...

Good catch on the gunshot wound, Capcom! I can't help but wonder if there will be any answers about that...and what they'll be!

lost2010 said...

Nice recap. . .

I hadn't caught that about the gunshot wound. . .I wonder if it's like how the scene jumps and Ben hangs up the lantern twice. . .or how at the church he blows out the match twice. . .

Is Ben showing us very very slight changes in what happened? What happened happened. . .but Charlie died in the looking glass instead of in the lightning accident so. . .little things can be just a little different. . .

Capcom said...

Hi Ladies! Yes, it's weird and like you mention, there are a lot of Ben's presto-chango moments this season since he turned the FDW. Hmm.

Wayne Allen Sallee said...

@lost2010, you got me thinking there about the dueces. A lot of people, myself included, thought that Ben blowing the candle out twice in the church was simply the same scene from different angles. But, yes he did do the lantern thing twice, too. And...this then makes me think of Locke's dream, where Horace cuts the same tree down three times. I caught the bullet thing right away because I was waiting for it, to see if we'd get a cheat. Not a prop error, and they pretty much made a point of letting us see the bullet hole in the fabric, not just where Ben was bleeding from when his shirt was off. Course correction? But why?

Capcom, nice job with MSPaint (though I have no idea that existed until now, no, I mean I knew it in 1977, but...)

Everyone, my friend Sid commented on that last scene being like the ending of the original SAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. Richard looks cool with that kind of eyeliner, too.

Capcom said...

Waaaa, yer making fun of my primitive apps! X-D I know, this isn't my computer, but I should try to see if I can find at least an older version of Photoshop to put on it already.

Probably the only reason that I noticed the gunshot difference is because the first time I thought, "Oooh, right through the heart, that's gonna be bad!" And then the next week when Jin turns him over, no heart shot. Locke's shot from Ben moved a little too. The first time it seemed up by his chest, and then later it's all about going through where there was no kidney. Last time I looked, your kidney wasn't in your chest. I'm about to call shenanigans on the whole thing. :o)

synchrobrarian said...

hey! DON'T knock Paint, i use it exclusively for my stuff

synchromystic librarian

synchrobrarian said...

has anybody ever come up with a decent explanation for all the differences we see when a scene is shown again?

wound moves, dialogue slightly different, pictures are different, turntable different .....

Capcom said...

Yay, let's here it for MSPaint! :-D

At the end of the episode descriptions at Lostpedia, they usually list the inconsistencies. Truthfully, I haven't checked every ep on this, but sometimes I notice it. I'll try to remember to look up the specific ones that we've mentioned here and see what they say if anything.

Next time TPTB allow a chance for fans to ask questions, we should ask them about this problem/situation.

pgtbeauregard said...


One of your best posts ever!! I laughed out loud your pictures.

Something very odd is going on with Ben (so what's new) It's almost like Season 1 where I can't wait to see what happens next.

Capcom said...

Tx PGT and nice to see you! Yeah, there is soooo much there with Ben, I hope that TPTB dig deep and show us everything about him! Tonight's temple "basement" scene was totally wild. :-D

pgtbeauregard said...

Just finished watching the last epi again. Love Ben/hate Ben, my mind is spinning. If he was really bad to the bone, he would have killed Penny, the way Keamy killed Alex.

Okay, I wonder if when Ben had breakfast with kate in S3, he told her to take him to Richard when he was 14. He heh heee.

This is making my head spin, can you imagine explaining Lost to someone who saw this season for the first time?

Keep up the great posts!! :)

Capcom said...

Tx PGT! I'm working on ep13 right now! I agree with you in all that you said too.