If anyone is familiar with the more upscale Japanese anime, the name Hayao Miyazaki stands out in the feature film area of the genre. His animated stories often revolve around an almost "Jacob-like" anti-technology theme of protecting the earth and its natural elements from overuse and destruction. In these stories his main characters are either zealous protectors, or abusers, of the earth who engage in conflict for either side. Each faction seems to have its logical arguments for what it does, in addition to having some ambiguously good and bad ethical qualities.
This sounds a lot like Lost. Are TPTB also offering this kind of message within their theme of protecting the island's properties? That is, do the island's characteristics represent the earth's natural wonders in general in the story? Now that I've looked at it in this way, it seems possible. Not in a overt sort of way like in a Miyazaki environmental film, but just as another underlying theme that TPTB have woven into the whole fabric of themes that make up the show. We have been shown in the finale of S3, that a fight to protect the island is what upcoming episodes are going to revolve around. And in Miyazaki fashion, we will have various groups of ambiguously inspired people that are going to battle it out. Some will be for the sides that want to maintain the island's natural environment, some who don't care and just want to leave it, and those who might wish to abuse its powers for gain.
Maybe in addition to all the other ways that TPTB suggest we look at both sides of a character's life and intentions, they are also throwing the environmental subject into the mix? And by the end of the story they might also attempt to inspire us to consider that there should be a way to find a happy medium somewhere in between rampant abuse of "this island earth", and forcing ourselves to live in harsh primitiveness like Jacob. Not to club us over the head with this ideology of course, but just as another one of the many underlying positive and redemptive themes in their story.
In case anyone is interested in learning more about Miyazaki's environmental anime: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayao_Miyazaki