** It was very satisfying to see so much of Widmore (especially at the FDW exit!) and to have him be so chatty. But why did he wait so long to help Locke? It seems like everyone in Locke's life likes to make him suffer first before they help him.
** Are we supposed to think that Widmore is confused about the time travel concerning when he first met Locke? He's lived on the island in the days before the DI, knows the FDW effects, and knows enough about the supposed portals or vortices to know about "exits", and yet he still thinks, "...that's incredible" that so little time as passed since he met Locke? Also, I'd like to know how Widmore and the islanders protected the island "peacefully" while they're killing US Army soldiers, etc.
** Oh, and the "Because you are" answer to Locke about why he's special was totally lame and I'm calling shenanigans on TPTB!
** It was so fantastic to see Abaddon too! Did he get to ask Locke for that favor he was owed? Alas, he's gone too soon.
** Why is it that whenever Locke gets foothold on his purpose or destiny, he always forgets his manners and etiquette and starts ordering people around?! Not very nice John, maybe that's why people are mean to you, because you are mean to them. Mr. Abaddon was just trying to do his job.
** Since Sayid said that he was manipulated by Ben, does that mean that he thinks/knows that Ben killed Nadya?
** I have no idea why Ben saved Locke just to kill him, or why he went berserk when Locke mentioned Mrs.Hawking. Just...so...confused... And really John, is that rathole the best room that you could get with the money that Widmore gave you? :-o
** Oh Kate, you incredible pompous ass. "Haha, charade you are!" Look at how far you've come, you still think that you're better than everyone else and can presume to know everything about people that you have no interest in whatsoever. The evil eye to you Kate. Or better yet, I'll give you the treatment that a certain celebutard blogger gives his photos.
** Is Helen really dead? Probably, but I don't know what to believe on this show anymore. I really did like what Abaddon said at the grave site though. I've always been confused about destiny, predestination, what's meant to be, etc.
** Like Jay said at his blog, that was some amazing Jack-face (about 100 of 'em in a row!) when he and Locke were talking about his father. Yes Jack, it's highly probable that you will outdo Lon Chaney, Man Of A Thousand Faces, when you are upset!
** What was the drawing of the Imaginary Space and Time doing in the Hydra? Is it Dan's or did he copy that page into his notebook? Wow. http://capcomslost.blogspot.com/2008/02/footnotes-for-future-405.html
** Was that red hair in the preview?????? :-o
** Good bye Mr. Abaddon, you seemed like a very cool guy. Hope that we see you in another life, or time, soon.