There's been some blog speculation as to whether the true reason that Wid needs to find the island is because he is desperate to get healed of some fatal malady. Perhaps that's why he doesn't sleep at night -- because he's dying, and the fear of life's deadline looming closer every minute is pressing in on him. There may be very little time left for Widmore to find the island, which could explain why he pulled out all the stops and engaged the freelance militia to cut a swath to the healing source that he needs so badly before it's too late.
That makes some sense to me. I really could not understand why he'd contract a team of mercs to eliminate all the interference, just so he could be the first to open the Fountain of Youth Adventure Park on the island. Granted, it would make him the richest man in the universe, but I got the impression that he's almost at that apex anyway. And if he is dying, it makes Ben seem all the more cold-hearted, as he stands in Widmore's bedroom mocking a dying man's sleepless nights, when he has the keys to Wid's recovery in his hand so to speak. After what Ben said to Locke in the Orchid, you can almost image the conversation as Widmore says, "Ben, you know that I'm dying." And Ben replies with, "So?"

Interesting thought, Capcom. I wonder if Widmore will get any insight from Sun re: well, you know, Jin. And the you know. And how she got pregnant. I suppose there's a joke to be found in there involving Dharma Ranch Style Dressing but I'm not going anywhere near it. So to speak.
It is an interesting thought, but I just think we have a power-hungry mogul who craves power and being in control.
I would not be surprised if the DI put "things" in the food, after what we were told about the Apollo bars in TLE-1! Good point about Wid being interested in that too.
Yeah, it's just eating Widmore up that he can't control the entire known universe, heheh. Cuz, if he can travel on the wormholes, he really could buy the universe! Typical megalomaniac. :-)
I think we need Dr. Who to come and take him down.
Hey, what was the deal with the Apollo candy bars?
Ohhhhh, that was an incredibly ambitious promotional aspect of the first Lost ARG, in 2006. Towards the end of the game, TPTB wove in this tale of a candybar that was eventually manufactured by the Hanso foundation, and it was "revealed" to players that the candy had some kind of psychotropics or some other dasturdly ingredient in it. THEN, ABC proceded to give actual Apollo candybars out at specific locations around the world. And there were suposed to be clues on the wrappers for the game, and it was key to the game (or so we thought) that it got done right.
It was crazy, because at some of the events at which they were doled out, they had no idea that ABC was using them for this promotion, and some venues got quite uppity and threatening about it. At other locales, they knew, but the ABC interns were either not passing them out, or passing them out to people who didn't even know what they were for and they were getting eaten and thrown out, while players of the game weren't geting any. Some distributions actually worked well. It was a very funny but frustrating thing to watch evolve, as the distrubtion dates progressed.
I can just see Ben & Widmore in that situation and Ben's cold-hearted "so?"!!
Me too Ellen.
To put another swing on it, if Widmore is somehow one of the old crew on the Black Rock, it may be that he has to have frequent contact with the island to remain alive, or else he'll die. Much like that part of Lost Horizon/Shangrila. And the way TPTB have suggested that, in how Rose feels that her cancer would come back if she left the island. So he might not be sick per se, his actual age might just be catching up with him. Not sure I believe that's the case, but it's just a thought.
good thoughts!!
I'm not sure we're going to be let in on it anytime soon, but I like the idea.
I read a similar theory somewhere (and I can't remember where or I'd give credit) that Kate would end up returning to the island because Aaron would get sick and need the island's healing.
Oh, that's intriguing! :-o
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