It's official and I'll say it -- I now wish that Kate would die. Unfortunately she is one of the rescued O-6, but maybe she will die if they go back to the island. Sawyer called her right on the nose. She is only out for herself and goes with whatever guy can get her what she wants, and now that she's on the beach again you know who she's sidling up to. Back in the world that's called...oh well, I'll shut up about her now.
Agree Capcom that Kate continues to annoy me to no end.
I'm glad that I'm not alone in that. I wondered why TPTB would make her seem skeavy like that, but I guess it's only fair that if there are guys who are jerks on the show, that women can be too. In real life one has no use for game-players like that, so on the show Kate is just a useless annoyance to me now.
This is exactly why I like Charlotte. Anyone who renders Kate unconscious can't be all bad.
Heheh, good point Lost2010! I have high hopes for Charlotte too, especially if she's DHARMA-related in some way. But if she doesn't stop being such a poopypants about telling the Losties what's up, someone's going to need to slug her as well. :-)
In retrospect, this doesn't seem all that gratuitous. The gratuitous Kate scenes were in ample supply this week though.
You can say that again, pretty much 90% underwear and nighties.
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