From Ben's lovely Pottery Barn furnishings, to the Martha Stewart perfect dinner for two, this scene could not have been any more creepy unless Ben did a Red Skelton "Clem Kadiddlehopper" tweedly-jump as he was walking the ham from the oven to the table. Blech. Ben's behavior in the scene with Juliet and dead Goodwin are just as disturbing. Well done Powers That Be, and bravo Michael Emerson!
That ranks right up there with Jack following his Dad thinking he was having an affair w/Sara. Yuck!
Ben makes the hair on my neck stand up.
Ooh yeah, that was good too, and totally over the top even for Jack. :-D
Yes, M.E. is really good, he makes my skin crawl! I hope that he gets best male in a drama next year, if LOST gets any Emmy nominations at all. Every year they get less and less recognition.
You're right! M.E. deserves that emmy.
I thought Elizabeth Mitchell did a superb job w/her acting also. She deserves some recognition as well.
I agree PGT, lots of people involved in LOST deserve much more than the Emmy peeps seem to think for some reason. The time travel in this season might just explode their heads permanently though. But maybe the Des and Pen Xmas scene might melt their hearts!
You mean he *didn't* Kadiddlehop? I could have sworn I saw him...
I wonder how many had to look up Red Skelton to understand that reference...not me...
I couldn't get over just how naive Juliet was through the whole thing. She was surprised by his crush? Then shocked that everyone knew but her? Missed the hints, much? Denial...
Love the screencaps, Capcom! LOL
TX Amused! Yeah, I date myself big-time on this blog. :-P
You're so right, Juliet's naive actions are often unbearable. But speaking as a formerly very shy and timid young girl, it's really possible to be that dense and trusting. The bad thing is, if you ever (hopefully) come to your senses later in life of your worth, you regret all the times that you let people so easily off the hook for their actions, and not standing up for yourself. Sigh. Oh well, live and learn. :-)
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