So Matt, sorry, but in my case you're talking out of yer butt. I was a hard core Lost fan, watched every episode many times, spent far too much money on Lost merchandise and way too much time writing two Lost blogs, and in no way can I be categorized as a casual viewer. Just the 9000 Lost related bookmarks on my computer alone would bear that out. I'm trying very hard not to get all sad and belligerent about my gut reaction to 'The End', but if I keep hearing comments like this one about fans who didn't feel completely comfortable with the finale, it's not going to be easy. I'm also tired of seeing viewers who are on the fence about the finale being categorized as mere answer-seekers only. So I'd like to make it clear...I would have liked to have seen some aspects of the deeper (and supposedly important) island mysteries get some completion, but even if those parts had been satisfied for me, I still might feel unfulfilled about the way the show ended, jumping across time into heaven. It's not an either/or deal with 'The Answers' here, so let's not categorize it that way. Lost was far too complicated of a story to lump its intelligent and dedicated fans' opinions into such a one-dimensional analysis.

I found the interview, let me know if I'm over-reacting (I'm sure that I am):